Thursday, June 24, 2010

Government assitance to young couples and 1st time home buyers

The Housing Minister is proposing to the Knesset to introduce a cut on VAT (value added tax) currently 16% and a 20% mortgage refund over a 20 year span to young couples and 1st home buyers in the periphery.
Although the above measures will help the weakest sector of the population acquire their 1st home it does not provide a full solution to the continued increases in house prices mainly due to the fact that land prices sold by the Israel Lands authority to contractors remain very high whilst housing starts are very low compared to the actual demand.

Women decide what apartment to buy

According to a survey conducted by the Israel Building Center 78 % are behind the decision regarding buying apartments in new projetcs and 84% in purchasing homes in general.
88% are involved in the interior design aspects.
Now we know who dominates this industry.