Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Starts on small apartments up 42% in 2011

Three-room apartment starts rose to 2,726 in 2011 from 1,914 in 2010 according to figures released from the Central Bureau of Statistics
The largest change in housing starts for small apartments was in Haifa, with a 170% increase, from 34 apartments in 2010 to 92  in 2011. In Jerusalem,  it rose 138% from 115 in 2010 to 274 in 2011 and In Tel Aviv,  it rose almost 50% to 660 apartments in 2011( from 442  in 2010)

The idea of building smaller apartments is to comply with the heavy demand by first home buyers and to make them more affordable.

IMF stress tests find Israeli banks sound

 In the event of the collapse of the largest borrower group, banks would 
lose 8.5-12.6% of their core capital - i.e. NIS 6-9 billion.
The Bank of Israel published the results of the stress tests conducted by 
the International Monetary fund (IMF)  on Israel's banking system.
The tests found that Israel's banks are stable and in good shape to 
withstand shocks.

Israel Real Estate Market

Israel world's third hottest real estate market behind China and Hong Kong on 5 year home price rises despite a 1.2% fall in 2011
 After an interest rate cut from 3.25% to 2.5% last February, there appears to be resurgence in property demand, with new mortgages issued by banks jumping by more than 14% in March compared to the two pervious months.